Quitting Smoking with Electronic Cigarettes

Follow my quest to quit smoking using the electronic cigarette.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Spreading the Word

I’m not a shy person, so I’ve been telling just about everyone I meet about my electronic cigarette. When I first got it, I thought people wouldn’t accept it. After all, it still looks like smoke that I’m exhaling. I mostly “stealth vape” by grabbing a few puffs when I’m alone in the elevator or ducking into the bathroom. But I’m starting to wonder if I have to do that. So far everyone I’ve talked to has been curious and excited when I explain how I quit smoking with this new product.

When I first discovered eCigs, I told my co-workers about it. Since I hadn’t yet received my V2, they were understandably skeptical. And since I hadn’t done enough research, I was too easily tripped up when someone questioned the health benefits. I remember telling one of my co-workers that nicotine was about as harmful as caffeine. He said, “You can’t tell me you’re comparing smoking to coffee.” Since I wondered about the truth of it myself, I didn’t have a good response. Later, when my V2 arrived, I demonstrated for everyone and they seemed excited. But it wasn’t until almost two weeks later that my boss asked, “So is it really helping you to smoke less?” I told him that I hadn’t had a regular cigarette since I got my V2 and he was amazed. I haven’t gotten up the nerve to ask if I can vape in the office, but that reaction gives me hope that he might allow it.

Last Thursday I went to my doctor’s office because of an allergy flare up after the Easter weekend. Since it was a last minute appointment, I saw the nurse practitioner. When she asked me the usual questions, I told her that I’d quit smoking, but clarified that I’m still getting nicotine like someone who is using the patch or gum. She must have noticed the wording because she asked me what I was using to quit. I pulled my eCig out of my pocket and explained to her. It turned out to be the longest visit I’ve ever had at this busy doctor’s office. I feel sorry for her other patients who were waiting while she spent 20 minutes asking me questions about the product and how I feel after using it for two weeks. She even admitted that she smokes when she drinks and was thinking of getting an eCig for herself.

Yesterday I was picking up from a food pantry to bring to a disabled client. I’m at that pantry at least once a week, so I’ve gotten to know the volunteers pretty well. As a general rule, all of the volunteers are at least 70 years old and have a tendency to be more self-righteous than charitable. While talking to the director, we somehow got onto the subject of the smell of some foods. I mentioned that my sense of smell is returning fast now that I’ve quit smoking. Then, even though I didn’t think she would be one bit supportive, I couldn’t help telling her about my electronic cigarette. Her reaction really surprised me. She scrambled to pull out a notebook and asked for the website address. I gave her one of the cards that came with my V2 starter kit and she asked for more! It turns out her late husband had been a smoker and she believed his death was a result of it. Now each of her children smoke and she was thrilled to find something that may help them. After I gave her two more cards so that she could pass them onto each of her children, she brought me into the office to demonstrate for all of the other elderly volunteers. Their reactions were hilarious, and all were exceedingly positive.

As smokers, we’re accustomed to being ostracized. We’ve been pushed outside into the heat or cold just to get our few puffs. As more and more places outlawed smoking not only indoors, but in their parking lot, I started to feel like an outcast. I would hold my cigarette by the arm rest in the car while stopped at a red light so that the person in the next vehicle couldn’t see it. Even though smoking was allowed outside at my office, I didn’t feel comfortable, so I would duck behind the building rather than smoking by the door. I was constantly aware of others looking at me with disapproval when they passed my lit cigarette. So this reaction to my eCig is not only positive, it’s liberating! It’s giving me the confidence to step out of the shadows and hold my head up high. I feel like a trend setter, a pioneer, and even a good influence.

Don’t be afraid to spread the word. Remember that this is a product that could change the whole face of smoking and help millions of people lead healthier lives. Be educated and confident and you’ll be surprised who will thank you for telling them about it.